

 Dan Diner

Prof. Dan Diner



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Dan Diner acts as Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and as Chair of the Alfred Landecker Foundation and its Governing Council. Formerly he served as Director of the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University. Presently he is a Member of The Saxonian Academy of Science. Prof. Diner's research focuses on two main topics: the conceptualization of modern Jewish history and an interpretation of WWII observed from the periphery. He has published widely on 20th-century history, modern Jewish history, Middle Eastern history, and German history, particularly in the period of National Socialism and the Holocaust.

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Iris Nachum

Dr. Iris Nachum

Deputy Director

©Smadar Bergman, IIAS

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I am a historian of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on Austria and the Bohemian lands with a special interest in compensation and restitution; liberalism and nationalism; ethnic conflict and expulsion. 

In my studies, I focus on the rise of German nationalism in the Habsburg Monarchy, the intriguing interplay between liberalism, nationalism, and Nazism, and the post-1945 expulsion of ethnic German peoples from Central and Eastern Europe to Germany and Austria. Most of my research and publications explore the complex interactions between demands, practices, and discourses of compensation (Wiedergutmachung) in the intra-German, German-Israeli, and German-Jewish contexts. My research and teaching interests are interdisciplinary, covering history, political theory, and law.


My recent book is titled Nationalbesitzstand und “Wiedergutmachung”. Zur historischen Semantik sudetendeutscher Kampfbegriffe (National Ownership and “Wiedergutmachung”. Historical Semantics of Sudeten German Combat Terms). The study explores the Sudeten German discourse on compensation in interwar Czechoslovakia, which I trace back to the national conflict between ethnic Germans and Czechs in the post-1848 Habsburg monarchy. The monograph appeared in 2021 and is part of the series "Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum". 


Academic Activities 

Since 2020, I have been serving as Senior Lecturer at the History Department and as Deputy Director of the Jacob Robinson Institute for the History of Individual and Collective Rights, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In the academic year 2023-4, I co-organized the international Research Group "Paying for the Past: Reparations after the Holocaust in Global Context" at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies.


Current Projects:

Research Projects

“Hast thou murdered, and also taken possession?”Nazi Wrongs and the West German Equalization of Burdens Law –The project investigates, for the first time, how the West German Equalization of Burdens Law (Lastenausgleichsgesetz, LAG) coped, in theory and in practice, with cases involving Nazi wrongs. By focusing on Nazi wrongs, the project closes a major research gap on the intriguing LAG, but also enhances our understanding of both the participation of ethnic Germans in Nazi atrocities in Central and Eastern Europe and of West German society’s coping with the Nazi past. Read More

"Negotiating German Identity" On the Complex Encounters Between Central and Eastern European Holocaust Survivors and German Postwar Legal Categories – Together with Prof. José Brunner – Tel Aviv University.
The project studies the complex encounters between German bureaucracy and Jewish Holocaust Survivors from Central and Eastern Europe claiming payments under three postwar West German laws, i.e., the Federal Compensation Law for Victims of Nazi Persecution, the Equalization of Burdens Law for displaced ethnic Germans and the Social Security Act
. Read More.


Research Groups

"The Luxembourg Agreement and Its Impacts". Read More.

"Paying for the Past: Reparations after the Holocaust in Global Context". Read More.


Recent Publications:

Iris Nachum. 2021. 'Nationalbesitzstand Und 'Wiedergutmachung'- Zur Historischen Semantik Sudetendeutscher Kampfbegriffe'. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht. Read More.

Iris Nachum. 2023. “'Aryanization' In Central And Eastern Europe And The Equalization Of Burdens Files: The Case Of The Sudetenland”. Journal Of Modern European History, Vol. 21 , Pp. 294-310. Read Online.

Iris Nachum. 2023. “'VergangenheitsbewÄLtigung'? Ein RÜCkblick Auf Die Westdeutsche EntschÄDigungspolitik In Den Langen 1950Er-Jahren.”. In Singularität Im Plural. Kolonialismus, Holocaust Und Der Zweite Historikerstreit, Pp. 146-159. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 
Read More.

Iris Nachum. 2022. “'Coming To Terms With The Nazi Past'?: The West German Compensation Policy In The Long 1950S”. In Studies In Jewish History And Culture, Vol. 70, Pp. 11-24. Leiden: Brill. Read More.

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Jenia Stadel

Jenia Stadel

Administrative Director


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I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, and immigrated to Israel in early 1991. From an early age, I have been interested in the Middle East and Arabic language and culture. After completing my army service, I moved to Jerusalem to pursue undergraduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in history and Middle Eastern Studies, followed in 2012 by a master's degree, also from the Hebrew University.

Since 2008, I have worked in various academic and administrative positions at the Hebrew University, focusing on the administration of collaborative, large-scale research projects. Since 2020, I have been the administrative director of the Jacob Robinson Institute for the History of Individual and Collective Rights, founded by the Alfred Landekcer Foundation.

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Post-Doctoral Fellows

PhD Fellows

MA Students



Yehudit Dori  Deston

Dr. Yehudit Dori Deston

Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2021-2024


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Major scholarly fields of interest:

Holocaust and memory, Holocaust trials, History of the Israeli law system.


Current Projects:

A trial without a defendant: the trial of Dr. Josef Mengele in Jerusalem

The research reveals the records of a mock trial which was conducted in 1985 in Jerusalem for SS officer, Josef Mengele, in the absence of the accused. At the heart of the proceedings stood the testimonies of 30 Auschwitz survivors, which were intended to constitute evidentiary material that would serve as proof of Mengele’s crimes when he would be brought to a "real" criminal trial. The research seeks to examine the difference of a criminal proceedings versus other stages, including semi-legal proceedings, for the purposes of documentation, commemoration and shaping the collective memory of the Holocaust. Read more


Gabriel Bach and the Prosecution of Nazis in the State of Israel

The research reviews the main contributions of prosecutor and Justice Gabriel Bach regarding four legal affairs in which the Holocaust and its perpetrators were prosecuted in the Israeli court: the appeals proceeding in the Gruenwald-Kastner trial (1957), the Eichmann trial (1960-1962), the efforts to prosecute and extradite Gustav Franz Wagner (1978-1979), and the Demjanjuk trial (1993). The research proposes an historical and legal explanation of Bach's actions and attitudes towards bringing Nazi criminals to trial and to present a credible picture of the evolution of Israel’s legal efforts vis à vis Nazi criminals and their collaborators over the years. Read more



2018: PhD, Hebrew University, Faculty of Law.

2011: LL.M Hebrew University, Faculty of Law (magna cum laude).

2007: LL.B Hebrew University, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Humanities (magna cum laude) .


Post-Doctoral Research:

2022-2021: Research fellow, Jacob Robinson Institute for the History of Individual and Collective Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2021-2020: a member of The Young Scholars Forum in the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, “Racism, Antisemitism, Genocide: The Holocaust in Its Historical, Ideological and Cultural Contexts", headed by Prof. Israel Bartal

2021-2020: Research fellow, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2017-2018: Research fellow, the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Leipzig, Germany

2017-2018: Research fellow, "the History of the Hebrew University 1948-1967" research project, The Herman Institute of Contemporary Jewry




Forthcoming - Yehudit Dori Deston, The Last Trial: the Demjanjuk Trial and the End of Nazi Prosecution in Israel (The Hebrew University Magnes press, 2023) (in Hebrew).

Forthcoming - Yehudit Dori Deston, Der Demjanjuk-ProzessGöttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Schriften des Dubnow-Instituts, Bd. 35, 2023) (in German).



Yehudit Dori Deston, "'When one Door Closes, Another Opens': The Demjanjuk Trials in Israel (1986-1993) and in Germany (2009-2011)", 14 Lessons and Legacies (Tim Cole and Simone Gigliotti, eds., Northwestern University Press, 2021).

Yehudit Dori Deston, "Gabriel Bach and the Holocaust trials: four affairs and one memory", 46 the Law Reviews Forum (31.3.2022) (in Hebrew).

Read the article

Yehudit Dori Deston, Dan Porat, "A Prisoner, Legislator, and Jurist: Joseph Lamm’s Legal Legacy in Relation to the Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law, 1950," (Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 37, 2023). 23.03.2023. DOI:

> Read the article


Book chapter

Yehudit Dori Deston, "It is our mission to prepare law-trained professionals to serve the public and the administration in the Jewish state': the establishment of the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University" The History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (fifth volume, Yfaat Weiss and Uzi Rebhun, eds., The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2023) (in Hebrew).


Book review

Yehudit Dori Deston, Book review: Nir Kedar, Law and Identity in Israel: A Century of Debate (2019), (33 Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Oxford University Press, 2022).

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Photo Credit: Daniel Hanoch

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Julia Schulte Werning

Julia Schulte-Werning

PhD Erasmus Fellow, 06/2023
Julia Schulte-Werning is a PhD candidate in History at the University of Vienna. In her research project, she explores Jewish humanitarian networks and health care in Morocco from the 1940s to the 1960s.